Friday, 24 February 2012

Origin Charity Challenge Quiz 2012

As promised, here are a few snaps from our dinner quiz for Origin Asset Management last night. It's fair to say that a good time was had by all, which is what we aim for when we put on one of these professional quizzes.

Brain Man Marcus Berkmann was our quizmaster for the evening. ThinkFolio carried off this year's trophy, and a cheque for their chosen charity - Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research.

Thanks to the excellent London Wall Bar & Kitchen for the superb food and wine. And thanks to Origin Asset Management for being such lovely clients!

Brain Men - The Quiz Professionals

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Original News

The question marks are all dotted for tonight's Origin Asset Management Charity Challenge 2012, at the London Wall Bar and Kitchen.

This will be the third annual dinner quiz we've presented for Origin, who say it's now the highlight of the year for them and their clients. Five rounds of quiz/trivia questions, including three general knowledge, one photo round to mull over during the meal, and a challenging film and TV round with clips shown on the big screen.

It should be an excellent night. We'll show you some photos tomorrow!

Brain Men - The Quiz Professionals